
Dronfield 10k

I ran the Dronfield 10k today. It wasn't as hard as the Huddersfield 10k that I did a couple of weeks ago. This time I started right at the front with my foot on the start line -- not that I wanted a fast start, or to keep up with the leaders, but last time I got stuck behind lots of slow runners, and I didn't want this happening again!

Anyway, lots of people passed me in the first 1 kilometre, but I wanted to start slowly, and work my way through the field. After the first couple of kilometres not many passed me, and the ones that did I caught up again later, and passed them.

My finishing time was 45 minutes and some seconds. Not sure of the exact time, but I got a good finish in again (perhaps not as fast as at Huddersfield, but I ran a faster time here)-- best time in a 10k in over a year probably. Looking up, and would expect to run close to 90 minutes for a half marathon in a few weeks time.

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