
The tale of two dogs and 2 (no, how many?) chickens

The weather has turned colder here in the UK over the last few days, which means it can be difficult walking down to "see" the chickens with 2 dogs leads in your hand. One dog dragging backwards, the other pulling forwards, then the one at the back squats to "go to the toilet", and moves around defecating in a circle. I remove my glove to reach for the dog bag & cannot open the bag as my fingers are getting colder.

I yank the dogs backwards to stop them pulling then think that I must look like a random bloke walking his dogs and swearing and abusing them. At least I hope not.

I go down to "see" the chickens now twice daily. This is because 4 of them got killed - two were taken, and two just left for dead, and so we were left with two live ones. So, I go down in the morning to feed, collect eggs, and to let out of their coop, then later in the day as it's getting dark to put them back in their coop. The theory that any foxes or other predators won't get them if we do that.

We got three new chickens yesterday to go with our remaining original two, and they seem to be settling in well. (to be continued)

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