
How much are you worth?

I used to say that money doesn't exist, and i believed it. believed that money was an invention to keep people down, that to want more money was somehow unethical, and to do anything in its pursuit was wrong. I believed it, and repeated it to anyone who would listen. I was disdainful of any job because it paid money, and i wasnt going to do anything just for the money.

And meanwhile my credit card debts were getting ominously large!

You may laugh, but this is both true and false. Money doesnt really exist, it is only an idea. It's only paper after all, that we've all agreed to be worth something.Yet, it is a very powerful idea, an idea that can transform or ruin someone's life. Our attitude towards this idea can be the difference between eating on the cheap, and living in squalor,or having as much delicious food as we can afford, and living in luxury.

Money is the way our contribution to this world is valued. For as long as we remain disdainful, and shun money in all its forms, we are really turning our back on the world and saying that we don't value ourselves enough to participate.

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