
A New Challenge

Today's thoughts come a little later in the day, and I'm a bit more tired than usual writing this. In fact I've just got out of bed because I'm supposed to write here daily, and I didn't want to break the habit so soon.

It's been raining for most of today in and around Nottingham. Not a great day for driving as the roads are waterlogged in places. Yet, I had to drive to Nottingham and back (about a 2 hour round trip if not more due to the weather, and me taking wrong turns) as I had a job interview. It went pretty well, though I was tired and perhaps didn't come across as well as I can. It seems like I'll get the job if I decide I want it, and can commit to it 100%. And by that I mean long hours, and being prepared to drive long distances to appointments.

It's a great opportunity that I need to turn my life around. Not just financially, but also providing me with a new challenge. And challenges have always excited me -- that's the reason I've run marathons, and enjoyed long distance walking so much. (Not to mention doing the London to Brighton 55 mile road race.) I'll have to acquire new habits, but that's one of the things I've been looking for. A job to give me purpose, and to earn lots of money.

As I say if you move towards something the universe will give you what you want. All I have to do is supply the hard work and energy! Because, yes, opportunities often come disguised as hard work.

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