
Tiny Steps

Take small steps towards your goal. If you move only slightly towards something it moves towards you. Take a few steps towards education, then it's like the universe helps you in some way. Do a small thing like organising your office, or your papers and you are making room in your life...........making it possible to move forward with better clarity.

Because even if only on a subconscious level, if you've got something left undone it will hold you back ..............and once you've got moving it inspires you to do a little bit more.The momemtum principle as Brian Tracy puts it. That's why you should make a habit of doing at least one thing you don't want to do each day. Today, I sent back my id badge and documents to that factory I was telling you about. Only a small task, but something I could so easily not have done, and didn't want to do. Yesterday, I completed some official tax documents that I've been delaying doing, and felt better for getting out of the way.

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