
In moments in between events one can see a man's true character. When you are waiting for something to happen, it's how you use the spare time that you have that counts. Of course these moments are transitory, and next week you may have no spare time at all -- or it may seem like that. But for the moment you seem to have all the time in the world.

I am waiting for a definite decision about my new sales job-- when the next training course starts, and if I'm on it. I've told people that I've got it, but until I get a definite date and confirmation I'll continue to feel on tenterhooks.

So, I've continued to do at least one thing I don't want to do ( not absolutely every day....)-- and today that's up to two things I didn't want to do:
  1. filling in a student loans deferrment form
  2. having a haircut

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