
Vision of the Future

This is my idea of my future. To study maths and computing at the Open University with the view to applying for computing related jobs. I believe this area would suit my logical mind, and also my need to challenge my brain.

I have a degree in Modern History, but this was gained in 1993, so I don't think I can apply for graduate jobs with confidence. Plus, my experience of work since 1993 has been varied and interesting, but not particularly relevant to a prospective career in IT.

Do I think that I could do a Maths degree? Well, the beauty of the Open University is that you can start study at a far lower level and build up to the degree standard. And the courses you take along the way add up to the required points for a degree. Of course it would be approx 6 years until I've got a degree, but I would be gaining relevant numerate qualifications along the way.

An alternative is to pursue any business ideas on the internet-- eg build a good content site with SBI! I want to do this as well at some point, but I think I need to start a normal career as well.

1 comment:

Matthew Russell said...

Why do I need a normal career?

I don't. I can do what I want-- I can follow my feelings. Write poems, songs, stories, go running every day, and eventually earn money from it. And in the meantime do a boring job to pay the bills.

And one of the best ways to earn money from your passions is SBI! They have a 2 for 1 offer on until 5 january.

My strengths, interests, and passions have always been of a literary slant, and they havent really changed that much over the years. More interests, more diverse interests, but starting essentially from the same creative place.