
Home improvements

Another week has gone by, and we've seen quite a few changes in our house. Helen has now completely revamped the front room. All the shelves have gone, we have a new bureau/work station so the computer disappears into a neat cabinet when not in use. (Thank you www.ikea.co.uk)

We're awaiting a new sofa, but apart from that it's finished and looks really spacious. We also have a new electric fire that looks like a wood burner-- full price was £100, but we got for £30. Should sell it at a profit, but hey, we wouldn't have it then.

Took the dogs for walk along the canal this morning. Then did another half hour run on my own. I'm sure they'd like to come with me, but can't really; they want to stop constantly looking for takeaways, and also the traffic is too busy.


Matthew Russell said...

No, I didn't, but from what I've heard that's probably better than most US television channels.

letti said...

ooo.i love ikea.