
Power of a Positve Attitude

You've probably heard it all before:

Change your attitude,be positive, and you'll change your life.

The way some people say it, though, takes the fun out of it. They make it seem like hard work. The sort of work that only monks do -- sit around in the morning & evening chanting a positive phrase.

If you follow the formaula your most wanted desires will come into your life.

There is a great power in a positive attitude though. Thinking negatively reduces everything in your life. Imagine what it feels like to frown. You automatically constrict your view of the world. (Try it, see what you think.)

Keep a smooth brow, look up, and even smile and you start to see everything larger; you think life is filled with possibilities. And because you think this way more and more opportunities and possibilities come your way.


CT said...

pos attitude is good, everyone should have one

Matthew said...

Yeah, I can't stand being around people with a consistently negative view. "Yeah, the world's in bad shape, you think I need you to tell me?" Just chill, dude.