

I downloaded blogautomachine over the weekend to try it out for 2 days. Maybe I'm missing something but it just posted nonsense to my blog. I looked at the blog afterwards, and ended up deleting whole posts or editing them. After a couple of times of doing this, I decided it was a waste of time and uninstalled it from my computer.

What is blogautomachine? Well, you may have heard of blog and ping. This is a process of posting excerpts from a website you want to promote on blogger for example, then pinging a service like pingomatic. If you do this consistently it can lift your website quickly into the search engines.

Doing this manually can be laborious and boring. So, there are many services that do it automatically for you. Blogautomachine is one of them. Others are Blogging Equalizer, instantblogandping etc.

I'm sure this process works because many people swear by it. Phil Wiley for example endorses blogautomachine.

For me though I would prefer to blog and ping manually so than I don't generate nonsense blog posts than no one will read.


Unknown said...

When I surf to your page using Blog Explosion, your AdSense words are all Surfing and Surfer related.

Explanation and fix here:



PS No need to post this as a comment; I just couldn't find an email to you direct.

Matthew Russell said...

Thanks for the info douglas. I've had a look at your site, and clicked the contact link, but it doesn't work. So, I've come back here to post my thanks. (If you come back & read it that is!)

Anyway, I didn't believe what you said at first but then viewed my blog through blogexplosion, and yes you were right. That's why I've been seeing loads of surfing related google ads on other blogs then!