
On being ill.

Not been very well since my last post. Nothing to do with running. Come down with gastro-enteritus, which the doctor thinks has to do with something I ate -- he mentioned e-coli, and asked whether I'd eaten something that other's haven't. Whether I'd had a takeaway. Couldn't think of anything.

Did have roast chicken on Sunday night, so that could be the problem, though Helen had the same thing and she's not ill. Being off work is good, but it is boring. Especially boring when you're not well enough to do anything other than sleep, watch tv, read and sleep. And think how ill you feel! But feeling a lot better today, thanks.

Had a Belgian beer last night-- 6.5% alc, a dark beer, it said brown on the bottle. Quite sweet, and certainly strong, but nice when drunk slowly. And watched England beat Poland at football. Much better play. Erikkson & his players have answered the critics and shown that they are a good team. We'll have a good chance in the World Cup next year. Not to say that we'll definitely win it, and if we don't I can imagine the hysterical reaction of the media.

"Erikkson must Go now", says the Sun. Ex-England managers and players line up to say I told you so as "shameful" England crash in the semi-final.

Graham Taylor was lampooned in the press when he was England manager, and we are presumably looking back with fondness now to that time. Bobby Robson also had a hard time, and he got us to the 1986 semi-final. Not to mention the national team's excellent performance in the 1996 European Championship under Terry Venables that is conveniently forgotten about. One pundit on Sky tv had the temerity to say that the last time England played well was in 197- something. It makes you wonder.

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Danny White said...
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