
Are you stressed?

It's been a stressful week at work-- we've got an audit coming up of our software database & it's my job to make sure it's uptodate. My manager has been stressing about it, but there's so much to do that I told her on Friday that it was an uphill task and we'd be lucky to get it done on time.

She said, "are you winding me up?" Well, I suppose, but only half joking; there is some truth in it; you don't appreciate the scale of the task. Shows how important it is to her because on Friday afternoon she went on holiday for 2 weeks. The audit will be in the middle of that.

(I can smell irony somewhere, or is it just toast burning?)

1 comment:

Matthew Russell said...

hmmm, what can I say? Some people say Americans have no sense of irony.