
Influence of horoscopes

How much truth is there really in horoscopes? Some people say they can tell a lot about a person, and that your life is in the stars. Others say horoscopes are nothing but a confidence trick pulled on gullible people.

The truth has to be somewhere in between. When I notice my horoscope I am often struck by how true i think it is. Or perhaps I should say how my view of myself is confirmed by this horoscope; this view has been formed through years of experience, but also by the views of other people. Parents, friends, acquaintances, work colleagues, teachers at school all form an opinion of you, and either tell you to your face what they think of you, or you hear in a less straightforward way -- you overhear a conversation.

You can imagine that you hear one thing about yourself, and this "viewpoint" can affect your self-image even though it may not really be someone's view, just the view you think they have of you.

If you let yourself be influenced this easily, there is nothing to stop a horoscope have a power over your life as well. If it gains this power it automatically has a truth in your life. That is one way of looking at it! Thus: horoscopes don't tell a truth about a person unless he/she accepts their influence and acts in a way that is expected, or predicted by the horoscope.

Yet, my horoscope today says I've got too many things on the go, and it may be difficult to finish what I start. Indeed, I often find myself flitting from task to task because I find it easy to start something brilliantly -- doing many things, but not finishing what I start. Am i like this because I have read similar things down the years in different horoscopes?

It also says to find satisfaction in smaller accomplishments, and this is the way to avoid disappointment. Yes, I can agree with this and it gives me some incentive to get things done.

This doesn't answer my original question! Feel free to add a comment if you can help unravel this problem!

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