
Running and cold baths

Been running for an hour and 45 minutes this morning. Felt pretty good (perhaps not as good as last Sunday), and legs are tired afterwards. Had a couple of pancakes, couple of mugs of Red Bush tea, some toast, some Fruit and Fibre cereal....and also soaked in cold bath for a bit. (brrrrrrrrrr!)

Yes, these cold baths did take some getting used to, but once you have a created a habit it is hard to break. And, why break a habit that is good for you? Like getting up at 5am every morning. Well, I don't get up at 5, but I do get up at 6am everyday. Perhaps I should get up earlier? What do you think?

Cold baths are good for runners as they help your muscles recover from the damage you have caused them by training. It's the same for cold showers, or swimming in cold water. Many successful world class athletes have ice baths, but I think soaking in cold water is as cold as that.

I want to go swimming later on, but we have to wait for a very unreliable plasterer to show up -- I'll write about him when I get a chance.

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