

The only way to succeed in life is to create your own reality.

By reality I could say, "success", "future", or something else. The first step in creating your own reality is to define to yourself what success means to you. Or what your ideal reality would be like.

I say this because people often say things like "be more realistic". What they really mean is your vision is different to mine, and your goals don't fit in with my reality.

Success means different things to different people. We sometimes forget about this, but you don't have to boil success down to money. That's only one way of measuring it. It happens to be society's method of measuring success, but we don't have to follow what society says do we?

Doing that is a sure fire method of getting stressed, and depressed. (& if you take yourself, society & your reality too seriously for too long you're on a slippery slope.....as Bob Dylan says, there's always enough rope to hang yourself with.)

Once you know what success means to you the fastest way there is to only do things that move you in the right direction, and stop doing things that don't move you towards your success.

1 comment:

Eric Carlson said...

Let me just boil down everything you said in one sentince.

If you want to improve your life set a goal and follow it.


-eric: Revolutionary