
Job Offers

We got back from Paris last Monday night. Almost a week has gone by since then, and I've been meaning to post here, but with one thing and another I haven't! Been a little busy trying to find a new job amongst other things.

In fact I was offered a two day job on Tuesday-- for Wednesday and Thursday-- so that took up quite a bit of time and energy. Not that it lasted as long as it was supposed to, thank goodness, because all it involved was putting letters in envelopes, and using a machine to seal them. There was another temp there as well who was really knowledgeable and speedy in filling envelopes, and told me she used to do this at home for good money. Stuffed envelopes at home for several months, she said, and said she could earn up to £70 a day if she got enough envelopes out. I told her that many of those things were scams, but she didn't seem too impressed.

After a few phone calls on Thursday, and three job offers to start next week, I decided to go for the one that paid the most. As you would expect because would you do the same job for $10,000 a year, or for $70,000 a year? All things being equal you'd rather have $70,000, wouldn't you? Of course. I won't be earning that much, but it is good pay for a temporary job in this area of the UK.

The attitude of these job agencies rather perplexes me. They offered me the job, then asked me if I could commit for a few months, or till the end of the year. Of course I agreed, but if something better came along, or I was offered a permanent job I would naturally hand my notice in and go to the other job. Making my commitment meaningless. And these agencies must know this as this is the job market after all.


...just-rambling... said...

Congratulations on the job offers.

I think job agencies ask you that question so you'll feel guilty for leaving. I was offered a full-time job during the middle of a 3-month contract job and I could kick myself now for not taking it. At the time, I was concerend with burning bridges with the job agency, so I stuck it out until the end. Then they did absolutely nothing to get me another contract.

Matthew Russell said...

Yes, that's the trouble with temp work. I worked for four months for an agency in my last job-- doing quite a varied amount of admin work-- then when the job finished the agency couldn't offer me anything else. I would have thought with the experience I'd built up they'd be quick to place me in a new job.

Then, I spoke to the lady at the agency a few days ago, and she didn't even know what I did exactly in that job! Hardly what you'd expect. Well, I'm with other other agencies now.