
Bob Dylan, No Direction Home

There's a great documentary about Bob Dylan on the tv at the moment-- No Direction Home. The second part is on tomorrow night. If you're a Dylan fan you should watch it, if you're not you should watch to see what all the fuss is about.

"There's something happening here, but you're not sure what it is..."

Besides the great music that borrows from traditional folk music, the story of Bob Dylan shows what it takes to succeed.

1)You need complete self-belief. When people shouted abuse at his new musical direction in 1966 it took complete self-belief to carry on, and take this music to the world.

2)A willingness to learn from people who've gone before. In Dylan's case this was folk music & blues.

3)A work ethic. This can be seen in his never ending world tour. And in the focus he showed in putting down the words for his famous 60 tunes.

4)Reinvent yourself. Dylan has done this numerous times. Starting off as a folk singer, changing to electric guitar, later embracing Christianity, and changing his sound countless times. You need to be able to throw the old you out sometimes to embrace change, and welcome in the future.

1 comment:

Matthew Russell said...


When can you visit England?

Hope the new job's going ok, and not taking up too much of your time. Say hi to Al & Zdenka for me.
